Cell Viability and Cytotoxicity Assay Services
In combination with our MEA analysis or as a stand-alone service, we provide a complete report for toxicity profiling and safety screening including, information about acute or chronic cell viability and cytotoxicity assessed by:
- MTT assay (endpoint analysis)
- LDH assay (non-invasive multiwell analysis of culture medium)
- Necrosis assay (CytoTox™ DNA staining)
- Apoptosis assay (Annexin-V)
- Proliferation assay (EdU staining)
- Extracellular protease detection assay (non-invasive multiwell analysis of culture medium)
- Customized cell stainings:
- specific loss of neurons, glia cells, or sub-populations (e.g. GABAergic, dopaminergic neurons),
- neurite detection and quantification
- neurite outgrowth
- synapse numbers
- activation of microglia