Neuronal Maturation Assay

MEA neurochips are a valuable tool for detecting compound effects on neuronal maturation. Using the MEA neurochip technology we can directly monitor and characterize the maturation of primary mouse or human iPSC-derived network activity in electrically active neuronal networks.

Compound application during maturation (either single or repeated) can affect the onset of spontaneous network activity and the maturation of both individual neurons and whole network characteristics.

We assay the electrical activity patterns of dissociated primary neurons in culture from an early embryonic stage up to 6 weeks of maturation in vitro. The activity fingerprint is described by more than 200 parameters, which allows a sensitive measure for functional maturation and the effects of biologics and chemical compounds thereon to assess effects on synaptogenesis and neurogenesis.


Frontal Cortex, Spike Train, neuronal development, Cortical Neurons development, spike train activity at days 7 in vitro, first synchronisation, first bursts

Frontal Cortex, Neuronal Development, spike train activity at days 14 in vitro

Frontal Cortex, Neuronal Development, spike train activity at days 14 in vitro, more synchronisation

Frontal Cortex, Neuronal Development, spike train activity at days 28 in vitro, mature developmental state, burst structure, synchronization, burst activity

Images: Spike trains during functional maturation of 28 DIV show increasing activity, synchronicity and complexity of network pattern (10 neurons, 60 sec)


Neuronal Maturation under growth factors

Images: Functional maturation is followed over 4 weeks, and can be accelerated by repeated or single compound application.

Neuronal Development, Frontal Cortex, GABA-A Receptor development, GABA-A receptor alpha 1 subtype, GABAA alpha 1 agonist

Neuronal development, development GABA A receptor, GABA A receptor switch in development, GABA A receptor subtype development

Images: Developmental stage-dependent concentration/response experiments show increasing potency which is in agreement with receptor expression.


For developmental pharmacology, read more on our SfN2012 poster.

For developmental toxicity assays, read more about our Parkinson's disease model.

Contact us for further information!

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